Suicide is not an act of despair,it is an action
Me,me and me.
An amateur attempting to write some reviews,failing miserably. :P

-more Luciferian Darkness
-greater metal collection
-greater proficiency in writing



April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I've been trying to drawing a perfect circle for hours (without the aid of an instrument) and countless numbers of attempts tell me that it is of no use.I got tired,and set down my pen.

Yes,you should know what i mean.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Review on Taake's Hordaland Doedskvad.

Long since i'd written the last review,so here's one right in all your fuck-faces out there :D

1.Hordaland Doedskvad Part I07:43[view lyrics]
2.Hordaland Doedskvad Part II06:02[view lyrics]
3.Hordaland Doedskvad Part III06:16[view lyrics]
4.Hordaland Doedskvad Part IV08:16[view lyrics]
5.Hordaland Doedskvad Part V06:03[view lyrics]
6.Hordaland Doedskvad Part VI07:17
7.Hordaland Doedskvad Part VII09:00[view lyrics]
Total playing time50:37

Genre: Black Metal


If you have never listened to Taake,this is one album that you have to pick up in your local CD store.(Downloading not reccomended,support the original!)

This album is not your typical black metal album.Taake is never known to play bullshit.The album takes you through a 50-minute journey through the different stages of metal.

Without further ado,i shalt go on to the songs themselves.

The songs played,like i've mentioned,includes 0% of the nonsense you see in recent works of Taake.There is no exact genre to label this album,although Taake plays mainly black metal.It includes influences of Viking metal and folk metal (not another cheap Falkenbach ripoff,i swear)

In general,all the seven songs are played in a typical style:kicks off with some headbanging riffs,goes into small breakdowns (insert soloes),goes into a majestic bridge and ends off well.Yes,it sounds as though it's like another Darkthrone's Transilvanian Hunger,but no,they don't play the same chords for every damn song.Creativity is what makes this album stand out from the other black metal albums.

Like most other black metal bands,the vocals are purely shrieks of pain,occasionally with some shouts here and there (for example,in Hordalands Doedskvad I,there are chants of "hey",setting listeners into a fit of headbanging.No surprise if anyone raises their fists in the air while listening to the songs).

For guitars,they are rather creative,with some good riffs here and there throughout the album.No boring moments,by the way.Bass guitars are not that audible sometimes,but they blend in rather well.

The drums go well along with the songs as well.Even though it's a one-man band,we don't hear drum machines in any part of the album.It isn't that creative,but you have to give credit to the man himself for making an effort to give a well-rounded performance.

All in all,this album is reccomended,most especially if you are looking for some good black/Viking metal,or you are looking for something that is labeled "Awesome".Advice:get something to clean all your earwax at the end of the listen.

Recommended tracks: Part 1,2,3 and 7.

Ratings: 95/100


Monday, August 17, 2009
Another "Picture This" Post.

Here's the scenario:

You are to compete in a race.This race is hundred metres.Short distance,yes,but imagine the entire stadium is submerged with water.That won't make things easy for you isn't it?

Before you even start running,you can already feel all the currents working against you,even when nothing is causing the currents to grow.You try to make a few paces.You could barely run,yet you choose to attempt it somehow or another,given your curiosity and part of your foolishness.You haven't made it to the 10metre mark and your muscles and lungs are already screaming in protest.Some foolish ones persist.I am one of those.This had only resulted in me suffering under the lack of oxygen.

That's why i'm now forcing myself up to the surface of the water,catching my breath.No way am i going to go back into the water.


Sunday, August 9, 2009
Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair.

Picture this:You are in a baseball match.You get ready for the strike.The first strike,you miss it.In your head,you say,"strike one",i'd just have to try again the next time.But the umpire calls it a strike out (far-fetched i know,just go along with this scenario).Ridiculous right?But,my friend,you have no say in what's fair in the real world out there.In the real world,people don't give you the second and third strikes.Well,at least i learnt it the hard way.

I have no say in it,the ump does.This match ended for me earlier than usual.


Just one day after i've made up my mind,i'm already faltering in my thoughts simply because of small events.Amazing.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Thought it through already,even if it takes me my life,i will dig every speck of dust until i claim the gem.


Friday, August 7, 2009

Picture this:

You are on a treasure hunt.You have no maps,no compass and no fucking clue where the hell this treasure is.The only thing you are sure of,is that this treasure is what you are willing to die for,and that if you don't start hunting for it,others will.

So you start digging at places where you think it will most probably turn out to be buried at.You failed to find it,yet you find yourself having more reasons to find this gem,thinking it to be worthy for the time,blood,sweat and tears shed for it.

You start digging at other places.You failed,again.You start to get a little uncomfortable,but you believe that you will find it no matter what.So you continue digging.

As time goes by,your uncomfortability starts to turn into worriness.You start to think,am i to give up hunting for this gem,or am i to work at it until i find my gem at last.

Yes,you guessed it right,i'm currently in this situation now.So my question to myself is,am i to follow blind faith and wait until she has a proper answer,or am i to give it up and stop appearing in her life, and stop making her life a misery?


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

This is the first time in my 18 years of living that i'm saying this "i'm defeated".

I have always been the confident person,no matter how major the setbacks that befall on me.Yes,i may whine a little sometimes,but still i'd have confidence that tomorrow will be better.

However,this time round,i simply have no confidence in myself.So many fears i have at the moment,and nothing is helping to situation at all.Quote an example:i don't even have the confidence to talk to you,even a casual chat,given the fear that you will still behave the way you do in the recent days-acting weird.Yes you do,just that i don't want to elaborate on it.

I'm kind of dreading Saturday,even though the little eeden in me is dying to see you.

I don't even know how to phrase the whole situation in my private blog,so people who can access that blog,don't expect to see a follow-up on this post.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

S=Sarah???HAHAHAHA happy guessing,whoever did so :)

If you are keen on CSI-ing my stuff,try guessing who is lola zeh zeh then :D


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Here i am feeling stressed over something,another source of stress appears.Goddamnit.


Going to set up a new blog soon,a private one,so that i can say things that are left unsaid.People who are interested to read,do pm me.Cos if i don't do so,i'm afraid what i said in my second last post in my previous blog will come true.


I have no say in it at all.Sorry for the whines recently.Apparently,i was too concerned with "the happiness and woes of eeden" rather than putting myself in your shoes.